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Location: Wilmington, North Carolina, United States

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Cafe Sinatra Grand Opening

First off, let me clear up any misconception caused by the title of my blog...this site has nothing to do with the late, great Frank Sinatra. My apologies to anyone who got here thinking it did. It is instead named in honor of one of my favorite drinks, which Sinatra supposedly used to order at a bar he frequented in Hollywood.

"Cafe Sinatra: 2-oz Maker's Mark, 2-oz chocolate liquor, 1-oz Tia Maria, 1 shot expresso, served over ice in a brandy snifter."

Sounds great doesn't it? Well trust me, it IS! It's also STRONG to...two of these is enough to catch an nice little buzz. I highly recommend it, espicially if you have your own expresso machine, as it's usually rather expensive if you order it out somewhere. on with what this blog actually IS!

This blog is pretty much going to be a yardsale of my personal thoughts on life and will include (but not neccisarily be limited to) the state of the world, political goings on, religion, sports, poker, relationships, literature, and any other rants I see fit to go on. If I offend, then I apologize, if I fail to offend, then I also apologize. This is my blog, and I hope you enjoy reading it...if you don't, then you can go soak your head.

And with that, let the ranting begin...


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