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Monday, June 12, 2006

Guess Who's Back?

That's right...after a rather longer then intended hiatus from my own PERSONAL blog (long story short, I got sucked into being a poster on two OTHER blogs, maintained by some of my friends here in Asheville) I'm now back and fully prepared to rant to my hearts content, so lets get right to it. FIRST:
What on earth has happened to peoples manners today? Now I KNOW I'm part of generation 'y'...the internet generation, the jaded, cynical, ultra modern group of kids who will pretty much be running the world in a few short years, but EVEN SO, I've noticed a shocking lack of day to day manners - and coming from me, that says something. Basically what it says is that the problem has gotten SO bad that a guy like me, who really doesn't know THAT much about proper manners (which is to say, I had to ask my mother if black what an appropriate color for my date to wear to a wedding I went to recently. It turns out it's date knew this, and she had no plans to wear black, but she didn't bother to tell me, so I asked my Mom, who also knew, and informed me that the only color worse to wear to a wedding than black, was white....who knew!) is now noticing, and hence it must be pretty bad, and probably getting worse.

For example:
#1) On a busy street in 5:00 traffic, you slow down to let someone out of a parking lot and into traffic. Expected response - a nice friendly wave from the person you let in. Much more likely response: getting ignored, and then cut off 5 min. later by the same person you let into traffic.
#2) At the grocery, you have maybe three things that you literally ran into buy...the lady in front of you at the self check has at least 50 items, and tons of coupons. Expected response: She nicely lets you check out first, so you can get the hell on w/ your life. Much more likely response: You wait behind the bitch until she scans her entire cart, enters her coupons, and THEN realizes she left her wallet in the car.
#3) You're at work...possibly fixing cell phones, like I do. A rather old, and very ugly lady comes to you counter, and in an irate tone tells you that she is having trouble w/ her phone. You polite ask her what exactly the trouble IS. Expected response: she politely explains that her phone is not taking a good charge. More likely response: she jerks her charging cord out of the bottom of her phone, almost hitting you in the face, slings it across the desk and informs you that "this is the damn problem".

I mean CHRIST people! Are you kidding me? I'm 25, and for the most part could give a crap LESS if someone thinks I'm being polite or not, but I STILL MAKE AN EFFORT! Apparently there are fewer and fewer people on this planet who do the same! I mean really, it's not like its that hard to do! I manage it every single day when I go to work...I had stupid, stupid, STUPID people who bring me stupid, STUPID, STUPID problems w/ their phones, but I swear I'm patient, polite and friendly with all of them! The same cannot be said for the tool of a rookie who sits next to me some days. Lord, talk about someone with and abrasive personality! If think I would personally rather give myself paper cuts and then pour lemon juice on them, then have to spend any time around this kid outside of work. Oh, and the best part, he wants the open sales job we have at the store...good luck to ya there buddy, you might get the position, but you're gonna suck at it.

Funny story about paper cuts buddy Jay Johnson aka The Mole, managed to give himself a paper cut ON HIS EYEBALL a couple of months ago. I mean OUCH!!! I can't even imagine how much that had to have hurt. I hung out w/ Mole for a weekend in March, and kept wondering why he NEVER took his shades off - now I know! It's because it looked like he had pink-eye from HELL!!! Anyway, i'm gonna run's good to be back to my own blog for a little while! I hope some of you out there still check it for updates occasionally, because there are more coming, I swear!


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