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Location: Wilmington, North Carolina, United States

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Herbs & the NCAAs

Today I'm going to dig out last year's planter and lay down some new herbs. I'm thinking basil, mint, oregano and some chives. There's something very satisfying about planting to me - though I'm not really the type for flower gardens. I suppose it's just the feel of a changing season and the chance to watch time pass in physical form but I always look forward to this time of year. Replanting is one of those obscure traditions that make you feel more connected to your world and to the passage of time, like the first day you can wear shorts in the Spring or filling out a bracket for the NCAA. We all have calendars, but more and more I find myself navigating my life from one small event to another, instead of from month to month. For example now that it's time to replant, I can start counting the days until Dave Matthews goes on tour, and from there the weeks until my family takes it's annual trip to Asheville. After that, the Bonnaroo countdown begins in earnest. Somehow perceiving the passage of time like this seems to give my life more of a flow then looking at the 12 blocks on my calendar.

Anyway, speaking of the NCAA (nice transition right?) my bracket this year is already shot. But I will say this, my FF teams are all still alive, and I've missed five upset picks by a total of six points. I can't complain to much - except one of those upsets was Duke, and I would have loved to see them bounced early again. Anyhow, I have UNC winning it all and after the way Lawson played last night I feel really good about that pick. Go HEELS!!!


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