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Saturday, November 18, 2006

Open for Business

*dusts off blog* Wow, hard to believe it's been four months since I last posted anything...but if you knew what my life had been like since August, you would understand I'm sure. Regardless, here I am and Cafe Sinatra is officially open for business again. My thanks to any of you who checked this site while I was gone, and didn't give this blog up for dead! I will do my very best to get into some sort of regular posting rhythm now...we'll see how it goes! In the mean time......

...lets talk politics!!! "But Matt, you hardly ever talk about anything else here..." you say, well yea that's somewhat true, politics do tend to dominate a lot of my posts, but I promise don't have any major rants to share right now, I just want to express my elation at the recent Democratic victories in both the House and the Senate. It truly did my heart good to see the liberals of our country unite and send the leadership in Washington a VERY CLEAR message, which was essentially "We are tired of your crap!" If there's any sort of downside to this historic win, it's that The Daily Show probably wont be as funny for a little while, having significant less conservative fodder with which work now. Oh well....I'm sure John will find something else to keep us all entertained. Beyond that, this just gives me hope for the future in general, both domestically, in terms of foreign policy, economically, name it, I think it's going to be better now. We shall see.

On to the sports page!! DEAR GO WHAT HAPPENED TO MY PANTHERS??? Ok, so 5-4 isn't that bad a record, and we could possibly move into a tie for first tomorrow is things all go the right way, but there was a stretch there when I wondered if I hadn't tuned in the wrong station/wandered into the wrong stadium and was possibly watching the Cardinals by mistake. Do you know how hard it is to watch a team you love lose four games in a sport with such a short season? This isn't baseball or basketball...there's no real "we'll get 'em next time" with football. Either you take care of business on Sunday, or you blow your chance and damage your season. After the Dallas game, I admit I thought we were done for, it was such a miserable showing. Things are looking up a little now though...tomorrow will be huge, GO PANTHERS!!! On a side note, I've been to two great games this year, both with Ms. J. Lynch and both were AWESOME!! The first was our win over the Saints, and the second was the MNF game against the Bucs. Let me tell you, if you have never been to a Monday night game, you are missing out! The atmosphere is electric, and the game just FEELS so much bigger and more important! I loved every second of it! (minus the 20 minutes or so that Jessica was lost, and I wasn't sure if I would ever see her again. I didn't relish the idea of having to go tell her parents that I lost their daughter @ BoA Stadium).

This is Jess and I showing off our jerseys and generally looking very "fan like" as I think Jess put it. The game was preceded by some excellent tailgating with good food and lots of fun people. For some reason Jess was very into taking pictures this night...and this is seriously like 1 of 20 that we took more or less just like it...self portraits, in the stands, kinda hilarious. Anyway, good times were had by all and I've got good vibes about tomorrows game against the Rams, we shall see.

And lastly for this blog, lets talk entertainment for just a minute or two. First, I have to say that I am PSYCHED for the new James Bond flick, Casino Royale which opened yesterday. It looks like the most accurate and entertaining Bond since Sean Connery played the part, and no I don't mind that Daniel Craig is blonde. Bond is supposed to be a suave, yet somewhat brooding and sarcastic badass and it looks like Mr. Craig has that down pat. On a completely different note, Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes got married today...and would just like to say that A) I don't care except for the fact that Cruise is a "scientologist" and B) I think scientology is a load of horse shit. Seriously people, have you ever read the tenants of scientology?? It is some seriously scary stuff!! If you don't believe me, just look here. I mean yes I pulled that off Wikipedia cause it was easiest to get to, but that pretty much sums it up. Now I know some of you think I'm being hypocritical here, seeing as how several of my other blogs preach religious tolerance and open-mindedness, but lets me assure I'm not. I'm not saying people shouldn't be Scientologists, or that they're eternally damned if they are etc. etc. I just think it's bizarre, bordering on cultish, and possibly dangerous to some of it's members. I mean the most serious Scientologists essentially don't believe that mental illness exists, or that if it does exist, that it should be treated with medication. That in of itself is insanity.

Alright, that's all for now...I'll be back soon enough! In the mean time, enjoy the holiday season! I for one can't WAIT for Thanksgiving and then Dec. 1st when I can officially bust out the Christmas music!!!


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